Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bye bye 2009

Here's what I will remember most about 2009, in no specific order

1. Getting to watch my friend have her first baby.
2. Re-connecting with old friends.
3. Graduating from SJSU School of Nursing
4. Passing the NCLEX (nursing boards)
5. Being lucky enough to find a job as a nurse, in a unit I enjoy.
6. Moving back to the street I grew up on, we're only renting, but it's great.
7. Hanging out next the pool all summer, with an endless supply of fruity drinks provided by my husband.
8. Being a training partner for a friend doing her first Ironman...
9. Which inevitably led to the decision of hiring a coach in order to begin training for a Half Ironman myself in 2010.
10. Learning that my dog is not so great at jumping into the pool.
11. Having the opportunity to watch a couple Sharks games from some incredible seats.
12. Spending Christmas with my family, all day long, for the first time in 3 years.

Yep. It's been fun. I can only imagine that 2010 will be that much better. Happy New Year everyone!

Back to work...

Happy NYE! What am I doing to celebrate? Working in the ER, yay! Actually I am so thankful to have this job, that I don't mind. Especially since I like my job and I didn't have to work on Christmas. So no complaining around here! I enjoyed my 6 days off immensely, and now it's time to go back. I will work the next four nights in a row. Fun times.

In the meantime, triathlon training 2010 will begin on Friday with a 40 min run. Coach Jen uploaded all my goodies to Training Peaks yesterday, and I have been going over every work out to get them straight in my head. I must have sent her 12 emails yesterday just to clarify. Good thing she doesn't mind!

I am looking forward to getting out running, back into the pool, and biking. Okay, I am still afraid of running, but will work on driving my with my knees and keeping them high (just as soon as I figure out what that will actually mean for me). I reconfigured my office yesterday to make it more training friendly.

So it's a big week - first week of dedicated training since I swam competitively, and my first time being officially "on my own" at work. Should be interesting...

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Welcome to my blog page, and coincidentally, my first blog post!

There is a phrase that many children (and some adults) hear on a regular basis when they're in school: "what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Well it has taken me many, many years to figure out the answer to that question. The answer ended up being: a registered nurse. I've worked for many places along this journey, the United Way, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, a couple of swim schools, and now Kaiser Permanente: first as a unit assistant, and now as a nurse.

I know that I am very lucky to have a job in the current economy, let alone a job I enjoy, and I think about that every time I drive to work.

So now that I am out of school, and finally in a career that fits me perfectly, I am trying to get used to having actually answered that question and achieved my goal of becoming a nurse.

In order to fill the time that used to be filled up with school related things like class, clinical, homework, kvetching, and sleep, I have decided to start training for a triathlon. This should be quite interesting since I grew up as a swimmer who loathed her running shoes (well they were cross trainers, which might have been part of the problem). I love to swim and bike, and I will figure out the run thing. These three things: swim-bike-run, are what I plan to do to keep me active on my days off, otherwise I am pretty confident I would just putz around eating and playing on facebook. As I would rather not ever develop Type II Diabetes, I made a goal, hired a coach, and will begin training the beginning of January. My big race will be July 31st. A half Ironman in Sonoma.

This content of this blog will probably be devoted to my training for the most part. I will add little tidbits of work when I can do so and feel like I am not entering into a HIPPA violation! I am sure there will be some hockey stuff and dog stuff and who knows what else.

Hmm...that's all I got! Welcome!