Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 in Review

Wow, it has been quite a while since I have posted anything, I blame life...and pregnancy! 2010 was a great year for me though, and I am going to briefly list the highlights here.

Janurary: Began my triathlon training with the lovely Jennifer Harrison, remembered what it was like to be truly sore.

April: Completed my first triathlon

May: Another triathlon and sinus surgery (recovery was horrid but I am so glad I did it, no more sinus infections since!)

June: To Colorado for my Grandfather's 90th birthday and got to drive over the beautiful Rocky Mountains. David finished another school year and began to train with me. Triathlons are contagious!

July: Started working more shifts at the hospital, this made finding time for training a bit more challening, but I got it done. Continued to run distances I never thought I would be able to reach. Climbed Mt. Hamilton (6000 ft of total climbing) on the bike and didn't die!

August: Final big build toward my half IM....lost my training partner as school began anew.

September: Completed my first Half Ironman distance in hot, dry weather. It must have been good for me as I got pregnant the following week!

October: Celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary, learned that "morning sickness" is a poor way to describe pregnancy induced nausea.

November: Completed my first half marathon in Santa Clarita while pregnant. Unfortunately I haven't worked out much since.....went on hiatus with my coach. Traveled to Arizona with David and Molly to spectate/volunteer at my first IM. Reconnected with some good ASU friends.

December: Had a wonderful holiday season filled with dinners, parties, and wonderful friends and family. Made it to my second trimester and found the nausea begin to fade..

Goals for 2011? The birth of a healthy baby (who thinks sleeping is a great passtime) with a heatlhy mommy in June, and then start training for a marathon, and continue to learn from job.


December: Brought me


  1. YOU HAD a great 2010 indeed, Jenn! :)))) here's to an awesome 2011 as a mom!!! YEAH

  2. Thanks for the comment. Reminded me to add your bookmark. I lost all mine when I left my last job so suddenly.
