Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Swimming in the Rain...

Monday's swim was quite interesting. I had worked the previous four nights, and it was a holiday, so finding somewhere to swim was a bit of a challenge. Luckily, Molly has done this before and knew one of the high schools was open for lap swimming. Instead of going to bed after work, I stayed up until 11am to go to the pool, figuring I could take a nap later (which I did).

It had been raining steadily ever since I got home from work. California hasn't seen this kind of rain since 2002 at least. I kept checking the Doppler radar in hopes it would let up a bit for me to get out to the pool. It did in fact do just that. The weather for our swim couldn't make up it's mind. It would be raining, then the sun would be out and yet still raining, then windy so that all your gear would fly around, and then some other permutation would be created. It was sunny enough that I began to wish I had put on some sunscreen. Crazy.

After such an experience, hot chocolate was needed. Since I know where every Peet's Coffee and Tea is withing a 5 mile radius of any location in San Jose, getting our hot chocolate fix was easy.

Yesterday I had a 1:30 min bike on the schedule. I checked the good ole Doppler again, and it looked as if things were going to clear up. As the sun began to peek through the scattered clouds, I contemplating just going outside on my bike. It was cold and windy, and the roads were scattered with debris and crazy drivers, so I opted to stay inside. It turned out to be a good choice. About 45 minutes into my ride, I heard a huge clap of thunder. Not too long after that I saw a flash of lightening followed almost instantly by another clap of thunder. I gave up riding in monsoons when I moved away from Arizona, so I was quite happy that I chose to stay indoors.

Today is suppose to be run skips on the track. So far we are getting pummeled by what the weather "experts" say will be the worst of 5 storms this week. We are trying valiantly to not let our pool overflow. It looks like the rain/wind might clear up a bit in the afternoon, so I am shooting for going out then. Wish me luck, and stay safe out there!

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